Saturday, December 18, 2010

CPCC Christmas party over!!

****Party over****
Christmas party on clubpenguin
Time:7:oo PST
Date:18th December
Place: Snow forts( To start off)
VIP'S:Clubpenguin cheetah cheats team!
Be there be cool!
Merry Christmas to all!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Card jitsu water

Card Jitsu Water is here early !!!

You have to be a member to go to it but I have seen it on my friends member account
it is very cool!!!
If your a member be sure to check it out !!!


Sunday, November 21, 2010

you decide!!

theres a new you decide on cp for a new power card!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Exclusive- Card Jitsu Water Release Date!



Friday, November 12, 2010

Field op

Hi guys,

There is a new field op out heres the info

1. Go to EPF and accept the field op from gary
2. Go the hidden underground (you can access that from the forest or mine cave)
3. Click the barrel beside the ladder
4. Your EPF phone will light up click it
5. Just match the shapes then

Good luck!!!

(P.S sorry for no pictures )

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It' Raining Men! Hallelujah!

Yes, rain has finnaly arrived on Club Penguin with a splash!

So, this is the first time it has ever rained on Club Penguin, now lets check out some of the rooms!

Now check out the Cove! Even the fireplace has been put out!

Now for something even cooler than that! Check out the Ninja Hideout!
Even the Water Tablet has been covered in water! I wonder if this will interact with the tablet and make it light like the Fire Tablet!
In other news, next week, there will be a brand new edition of the CPT (Club Penguin Times!)
It will include bigger, but less pages! Also there will be a News Flash, including all the top news!

But also, check out the Upcoming Events!
Now, you can see Starting Nov. 26 New Stamps
Well, for what game! For Card Jitsu Water of course! So, could Card Jitsu Water be coming on Nov. 26th? We will have to wait an see!
Also, check out what Sensei had to say!
Water from the air. The first time in memory... Yes. We must prepare.
So we must prepare for water huh! Well, give us your thoughts on Card Jitsu Water!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

EPF Update: Comm Gear+ New Dance!

Hello Penguins!

Please note: this message is classified. Those who are not agents of the Elite Penguin Force should probably stop reading.


Elite Agents - today I've got an update for you.

This week, a new EPF 'class' is being launched. What's a class? It's a special kind of job that an agent can unlock. Remember - you can trade in badges for Elite Gear in your phone. 

The Tactical Class was introduced in August, and the new one is called the Comm Class. Check it out:
The team has some big plans for these classes. The details are top secret, but I will say there's a LOT of important events coming up. Including hints to the location of a certain polar bear... 

So, a certain Polar Bear! Hmmmmmmm.... What Polar Bear do we know that has come to Club Penguin many times before? Oh yes, of course, HERBERT! 
This leads us to New in November, with the new gadgets! Take a look what happens when you dance while wearing the full Comm class!
It opens up a load of high-tech equipment, including a computer, a satellite, and some sort of camera!
Now, we also know some other upcoming things to do with the EPF!
  • New Teleports coming to the Cove and Beach!
  • Even more Classes!
So let us know about anything else that you think my happen!